UVM will help shape the future
THIS IS A BOLD CLAIM. But boldness is what our shared future requires.
The world’s challenges are not simply complex. They’re existential. As individuals and as a species, we all hope to discover pathways to better health, greater sustainability, and deeper fulfillment.
Today, UVM has launched SOLVE, an unprecedented fundraising campaign to support a wave of research projects aimed at creating a future of healthy societies and a healthy environment.
Join us today — as UVM shapes tomorrow.
SOLVE: The Campaign for Breakthrough Research at UVM
The future we shape
The sustainable use of resources is pivotal to our society’s well-being and survival. The vision of a healthy planet and healthy people is inspiring hundreds of research projects in institutes and academic units across UVM, in four distinct avenues of research…
Avenue of Research
Future-Facing Medicine
Anticipating the future of medicine, our research will unravel the factors that create both health and harm, addressing society’s need for integrated health at the individual, community, and global levels.
Project Showcase
Project Snapshots
Avenue of Research
Viable Sustainability
To address the global climate crisis, we must merge society’s economic, environmental, and social goals. UVM will partner with private industry to prove that equitable, environmentally sound decisions can also be economically wise.
Avenue of Research
Integrative Engineering
From equity-informed artificial intelligence, to engineering for accessibility, to biodegradable micro machines, UVM will develop next-generation technology and data science guided by liberal arts-inspired systems thinking to serve our world.
Project Showcase
Project Snapshots
Avenue of Research
Alternative Agriculture
In an era when industrial-scale food and farm systems make produce less healthy and production less ecologically sound, society must reimagine its food systems structure. UVM research will help industry move beyond practices that harm health and habitats and toward a holistic vision of agriculture.
Project Showcase
Project Snapshots
Now is the time to SOLVE
At UVM, facilities, talent, and ideas have converged to create a highly capable research hub. We feel a growing sense of responsibility to fully realize our potential, drawn forward by the urgent answers we pursue for humanity.
Your gift to this campaign will achieve many benefits at once:
Join us today…as we shape tomorrow.
Suresh Garimella
President, University of Vermont
For more information, contact The UVM Foundation at (802) 656-2010.